Amy F Pilato
writer, mom, mystical guide
I write children's books that bridge the consciousness of nature to our everyday lives. Nature is a portal in my writing and my healing work. In my guided sessions, I work as a bridge. Each of us is supported in profound ways by heaven and earth and my readings center you and your spirit directly on that bridge of consciousness. Using intuition, the Akashic records, channeling and cards we work together to find clarity, navigate healing, and deeply inform and inspire your path. The inspiration of the divine’s presence in my life through nature, spirit and earth is profound and guides me in every aspect of my life. I love to share this work with others.

“Amy’s reading was so profound and I continue to process all of the heartfelt synchronicities. I was filled with emotions, tears welled up and my body was vibrating as Amy and her card spirits and guides communicated their messages. Amy is truly gifted and her light and lively way of allowing the cards to speak is just beyond words. I continue to bask in the crazy connectedness. Amy’s joy in doing this work shines through and envelopes your heart so that all of the messages (even the ones you may not want to hear) feel absolutely correct and welcomed.”